Sunday, September 29, 2024

POST 46 for Oct.2024 - The form Loa Thanh -Master Tue-Minh

WELCOME TO POST 46 - October 2024

POST 46 for Oct.2024 

- The form Loa Thanh -Master Tue-Minh

 POST 46   October 2024

   The form LOA THANH







The VIETVODAO INTERNATIONAL was created in Limoges, France, in 1972 by seven Vietnamese Masters:

Master NGUYEN DAN PHU (60) - Thanh-Long; Montluçon;

Master BUI VAN THINH (60) - Massy-Palaiseau;

Master NGUYEN TRUNG HOA (59) - Thai-Son-Lam; Saint-Maurice;

Master HOANG NAM (40) - Kung-Fu; Paris;

Master TRAN PHUOC TASTEYRE (29) - Han-Bai; Massy;

Master PHAM XUAN TONG (25) - Quan-Ky; La Seyne-sur-Mer; and

 Master PHAN HOANG (36) -Nghia-Long Institute, Limoges.


The official Vietvodao training program was then developed through the unique contributions of each master. One such contribution was LOA THANH Quyen, introduced by Master NGUYEN Trung Hoa, which became a significant addition to the collection of martial forms. In December 1974, Master Phan Hoang, the founding president, officially released a poster of Loa Thanh, comprising 63 pictures arranged in 8 columns and 7 rows. The images, created by artist Minh Thao KhamManh, depicted movements performed by black-belt Do Long.

The name LOA THANH is inspired by the historic Co Loa Castle, located near present-day Hanoi. This archaeological site, believed to date back to the 3rd century BCE, is significant for its cultural and historical value. The castle is famous for its unique, concentric earthen ramparts, which once formed nine spiraled rings.


Today, the Loa Thanh form is practiced by martial artists worldwide. In 2024, Master Tue-Minh from Tokyo revised the form, and his work, including cards, exercises, and a video, is featured in Post 46 (October 2024) on

 Master Phan Hoang,

 Canada, September 2024

     LOA THANH Quyen

      Master Tue-Minh



                       EXERCISES LOA THANH


      END POST 46    OCTOBER 2024

Saturday, August 31, 2024

POST 45 Sept. 2024 BACK TO SCHOOL -The form DAI LAO Longevity Exercises


POST 45   Sept. 2024 


The form DAI LAO Longevity


CARDS and Exercises






  File reference:   140404 DAI LAO Text Viet and English






1- Lễ. Salute    (facing South to start)                                   

02- Tĩnh tâm.                                       Quiet mind (concentration)

03- Nhật nguyệt ảnh chiếu.                 Sun and Moon Reflecting                                                          

04- Trường sinh luân xa                      Opening chakras of  longevity

05- Tố nữ hiến lụa                               Lady offers silk                                                                                         

06- Tả hữu quán niệm                         Observing left and right side (catching whole aspects)

07- Đại lão nhập thiền                         Great long-life meditation

08- Trường sinh nhiệt khí                   Warming the inner energy for long-life

09- Đại lão tâm ấn                               Seal of the Sage

10- Vũ trụ quán thông                                    Understanding the law of the Universe

11- Lão ông se tơ                                Sage nurtures bond  (threat of  longevity)

12- Thiên thủy hội vũ                          Sky and Water make  Rain                                                                     

13- Hải-Thượng án ma                        Movement of  master Hai-Thuong  preventing diseases                

14- Đan điền tụ khí                             Bring inner energy to the Dan-tien center

15- Trường sơn áp đảo                        Compressing the mountain chain (Impose on Mountain)                                                    

16- Suối ngọc tưới đào                       Pure spring water for peach trees

 17- Bồng sơn quán vũ                                    Contemplating the Universe from high mountain                          

18- Chuyển bộ quay sau                     Turning 180 degree  (facing North)

19- a. Se tơ                                          a.Weaving the treads

      b. Lão ông se tơ                            b. Sage nurtures bond 

      c. Lão bà se chỉ                             c. Lady  nurtures bond                                                                           

20- Thiên thủy hội vũ                          Sky and Water make  Rain

21- Hải-Thượng án ma                        Movement of  master Hai-Thuong  preventing diseases               

22- Đan điền tụ khí                             Bring inner energy to the Dan- Dien center

23- Trường sơn áp đảo                        Compressing the mountain chain (Impose on Mountain)

24- Suối ngọc tưới đào                       Pure spring water for peach trees

25- Bồng sơn quán vũ                         Contemplating the Universe from high mountain

26- Chuyển bộ quay sau                     Turning 180 degree (face South)

27- - a. Se tơ                                       a.Weaving the treads

      b. Lão ông se tơ                            b. Sage nurtures bond 

      c. Lão bà se chỉ                             c. Wise nurtures bond                                                                           

28- Lễ (hết vòng một)                         Salute (end of round one)

      (Có thể đi tiếp hướng                    (Can continue on East and West side)

        Đông và Tây)








  Tố Nữ Hiến Lụa

Offering of Silk

in DAI LAO Quyen






 T N Hiến La

Offering of Silk in DAI  LAO Quyen


A long time ago there was a young man named TU THUC who went for a walk in a mountain region outside of his village. After wandering for some time, he got lost and came across an elderly woman weaving silk. The woman saw he was distraught but only had silk to offer him. The young man accepted the kind gesture and closed his eyes and held out his hands to receive the silk. Once he opened his eyes there was a beautiful young woman standing before him. He decided to stay a while, and they made a home up in the mountains. Figuring he must be missed, he decided to return to his village. When he returned to his village, he didn’t recognise any of its inhabitants and no one recognised him or his name. Finally, he was directed to the elder in the village who recalled that when he was young his great grandparent told him a story of a young man Tu Thuc who went missing in the mountains generations ago.


This story was narrated by GM and written by Alyshea Cummins. (August 2024)






                     8 MOVEMENTS EXTRACTED 


                                  END POST 45 SEPTEMBER 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

POST 44 -August 2024 - Various Exercises for Luyen Gong training - HAVE A GREAT SUMMERTIME



POST 44 -August 2024 

- Various Exercises for Luyen Gong training 










POST  44 August 2024


 Luyen Gong Method:

Contraction Training





Luyen Gong Method:

Contraction Training


Luyen Gong (luyn gng) is a Vietchidao training method designed to develop extraordinary physical and mental strength. This technique involves contracting muscles in different parts of the body while performing specific exercises. Each exercise should be repeated at least nine times to achieve optimal results.


Breathing Method:

The Lung-Breathing technique is generally effective for most exercises, while Belly-Breathing (Tho Bung) can also be applied.


In this issue of POST 44 (August 2024), you will find a series of exercises from different styles that can help you build your own training program and provide additional materials for training your students.

(Master Phan Hoang, Post 44 August 2024)








 Along My Path     Charles Phan Hoang 












Vietchidao is a modern form of martial arts that places great emphasis on both physical and mental discipline. Its training is intended to cultivate self-control, graceful movement, balance, inner-power, and a deep respect for both one-self and others. This body-and-mind discipline plays a significant role in shaping the cultural identity of a society.


Master Charles Phan Hoang

 July 27, 2024







                  END POST 44

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

POST 43 for JULY2024 Form BAT KHI The Eight Energies - HAPPY CANADA DAY - Phan Hoang


Welcome to Post 43


POST 43 for JULY2024

 Form BAT KHI The Eight Energies -










POST 19  for July 2022








Eight movements explained

by Master Phan Hoang


Movement 1.The salute means to connect to the origins, even if the founder is no longer here. Always starting things with a quiet mind Tinh Tam.


Movement 2. There are two ways to ring the bell

·        THINH CHUNG – Soliciting the bell from above (vertical movement)

·        DANH  CHUNG –Hitting the bell horizontally

• The bell is a sacred object, so you must not hit it. Our way is to ask (soliciting) the bell to play by a vertical movement (Mov. 2) to ring the bell; that means we” SOLICIT” the bell.


Movement 3. Lotus flower is one of the most beautiful and noble flowers in the world. However, when it is needed, we must use the strategy and technique of Lotus to surprise the adversary, and solve problems.


Movement 4.  To travel for a long way be aware of “water” and carefully check it. (“Water” could simply mean water, lake, river, rain , flood and so on, but more importantly: things that have no fixed form, no predictable changing way, no apparent resistance…)


Movement 5.  Be solid like an elephant, but moreover, like a “white elephant” (means an old elephant with great memory and strong experiences).


Movement 6.  Use a “double knife technique” to deal with snakes since a snake will always “be a snake”. But more interestingly, sometimes we could also apply the “double knife technique” to surprise a rogue aggressor.


Movement 7.  Hide the pearl in a deep sea (make your adversary have no hope to win, no way to get any advantage or benefit) 


Movement 8.  Quietly, like in a Zen way, aim to vital points of the situation.


Post 19 for July 2022

Master Phan Hoang,






  POST  19       FOR JULY 202



(A Southern Form of Eight Energies)





1.     Tĩnh tâm bái tổ

·       Meditation and Salutation

2.    Thỉnh chung áp đỉnh

·       Ring the bell; pressure from the above

·       (fig.: Whenever you ring the Bell, you get the "attention" and pressure from "the above".

3.    Liên hoa xuất quyền

·       Start  by using the technique  of Lotus.

4.    Du nhân điểm thủy

·       The traveller point out the source of water.

5.    Thiết thủ bạch tượng

·       The iron head of white elephant.

6.    Song đao trảm xà

·       Applying the double sword technique to kill the snake.

7.    Hải để trầm châu

·       Hide the pearl at a deep sea.

8.    Thiền nhân điểm huyệt

·       The Zen practitioner pointing at vital points.





POST 19   for JULY 2022


Multi aspects (đa dạng) of Bát Khí.






BÁT KHÍ đa dạng                                                

July 14, 2016

Multi aspects (đa dạng) of Bát Khí.

Advanced teaching from Master Phan Hoang

BAT KHI is an important quyen which was created by Master Phan Hoang and taught for the first time at the Vietvodao Stage 1988 in Ottawa, at Carleton University.

At a first level of learning, Bát Khí seems to be a regular form (quyền) consisting of 8 movements for training our body.  Now at advanced level let us explore the multi aspects of Bát Khí.

- Full name. Lĩnh Nam Bát Khí: The Southern Way (Vietnamese way) of 8 Khí.

Southern= Warm, clarity, creativity, freedom. Versus Northern: cold, formal, rigidity.

This indicates the spirit of this “Southern form” quyền.


- 8 Khí. (1) – Usually people often refer to the 6 Khí (Luc Khi) which is well known in acupuncture (i.e the 6 energies: phong, hàn, thử, thấp, táo, hỏa). Here, in our quyen, the term Khí has multi meaning. At first: this are 8 ways or movements to mobilize the Khí through our body. So Bát Khí is a teaching of Inner Energy  Khí Pháp.

(2) – Khí also means the mood, the feeling.

The Buddhist teaching names 7 situations of human being emotion:

            Ai, nộ, hỷ, lạc, ái, ố, dục;

            Sadness, anger, joy, happiness, love, impurity, desire.


In Bát Khí we learn to train ourselves with 8 ways of behavior or inner-power:


Movement 1 Thiên Khí (Celestial)                  -Lyric: Bái tổ, Tĩnh Tâm       

Movement 2 Hạo Khí (Wide)                         -Lyric: Thỉnh chuông áp đỉnh

Movement 3 Hùng Khí (Heroic)                     -Lyric: Liên hoa xuất quyền

Movement 4 Trầm Khí (Precise, Focused)      -Lyric: Du nhân điểm thủy

Movement 5 Quyết Khí (determined) -Lyric: Thiết thủ bạch tượng

Movement 6 Nội Khí (Inner)              -Lyric: Song đao trảm xà

Movement 7 Trường Khí (Long lasting) -Lyric: Hải để trầm châu

Movement 8 Thâm Khí (Deep)  -Lyric: Thiền nhân điểm huyệt


(3) – Khí also means instrument, weapon (võ Khí).  In Bát Khí we learn the 8 ways - using 8 different strategies- dealing with different situations in life:

            1) The quiet way 2) The volunteer way, 3) The lotus way, 4) The Traveler way,

            5) The Elephant iron way, 6) The cutting way, 7) The hidden way, 8) The zen way


(4) – In term of meridians and vital points: Bát Khí is related to several meridians:

            Lungs, large intestine, pericardium, stomach, liver, heart, urinary bladder, kidney.

And a number of vital points. This technical part must be treated in a specific document for acupuncturists only.









POST 46 for Oct.2024 - The form Loa Thanh -Master Tue-Minh WELCOME TO POST 46 - October 2024 POST 46 for Oct.2024  - The form Loa Thanh -Master Tue-Minh   ...