Friday, March 5, 2021



is a MONTHLY publication for the various disciplines 

founded by Master Phan Hoang in the VIETCHIDAO System: 

Vietvodao , Voviet, Viettaichi, Vietkhiphap, Chi-Bong,

 Chi-Kiem, Chi-Vat, Chi-Luc.













      THAI HAN LUYEN / Hard Training In Cold Weather 









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Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, USA in 4K Ultra HD




Strauss II - Waltzes, Polkas & Operettas | Classical Music Collection














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  The complete guide to English Pronunciation | Learn ALL 44 sounds of English








Concierto de Aranjuez - Joaquín Rodrigo II. Adagio / Pablo Sáinz-Villega








        A LONG WAY, 1975-2019

Our first book was published in 1975
with all the difficulties of that time

And now, after 45 years, a great number of our books, 
videos, documents were produced 











(from Blog

POST442    04 April 2020)












The form TIEP-XUAN consists of four exercises:

POST 442. KHOI-A - Raising the Primeval Sound and Energy     

POST 443. TUOI-DAO - Watering the Peach Tree

POST 444.  KHAI-QUAN - The Mountain Guardian

POST 443.  PHI-YEN - Flying Swallow


These four exercises are to be performed separately, nine times each. Then after, the whole set will be executed as a form (Quyen), three times.

EXERCISE 1 KHOI-A            

Raising the Primeval Sound and Energy


The aim and  benefit of this exercise: stimulating the circulation of inner energy. Quiet mind and positive thinking


It is good to know that this movement “KHOI-A” implies five related aspects:

1.       Physical form and physiological function- The physical form is to be executed in a continuous and flowing manner. Physiological function: relaxing muscles, maintaining and stimulating good function of heart and kidneys.

2.      Breathing method- Lungs Breathing (Tho-phoi): Natural inflows and outflows of air with slight thoracic movements and respiratory muscles activities.

3.      Inner energy and vital points- Movement Khoi-A has two main missions: stimulating the circulation of inner energy -by “raising the primeval energy (nguyen-khi) which related to the sound “A”, and ensures the balance between the “upper-warm-energy” (Thuong-Hoa/fire) and the “lower-cold-energy” (Ha-Thuy/water). The two meridians involved, in this exercise Khoi-A, are the Heart Meridian and the Kidneys Meridian. For those who are familiar with acupuncture  the vital points to keep in mind for digital-pressure purposes related to this exercise  Khoi-A are:
- C1 (Cuc-tuyen); C3 (Thieu-hai); C9 (Thieu-xung)    
- R1 (Dong-tuyen); R5 (Thuy-tuyen); R11 (Hoanh-cot)          

4.      Mind and Thought: Quiet mind and positive thinking. Be Happy like flowers in spring, flourishing with youth and vigor.

5.      Symbolism and Behavior: Khoi-A is the symbol of Growth. Adapting to the environment and growing through natural process.  


Now please work this Exercise KHOI-A every morning, for one week, with a clear understanding of its five related aspects while your body is moving, your mind focussing on what you are doing.

I can only help in teaching this but I cannot help in doing it for you every morning!

After one week, if you like it, continue.

If you don’t like it, just put it aside. Spare it for later use.  


Charles Phan Hoang


















POST 442                04 April 2020   





“Khau-Quyet”, a Vietnamese term, is a short message – one phrase or two – difficult to understand its real meaning for someone from outside. It carries a key to discover a secret or to understand the deep meaning of a teaching transmitted from master to disciples.

Also Khau-Quyet is a memory technique: a phrase condensed in a few words helping remember things. So, it could be a short message for a teaching, or simply a memory tool.

Phan Hoang (2012)


Qu'est ce qu'un 'KHAU-QUYET'?

"Khau-Quyet", un terme vietnamien, est un message court - une phrase ou deux - difficile à comprendre sa signification réelle pour quelqu'un de l'extérieur du contexte. Il porte une clé pour découvrir un secret ou pour comprendre le sens profond d'un enseignement transmis du maître aux disciples.

Aussi Khau-Quyet est une technique de mémoire: une phrase condensée en quelques mots aidant à se rappeler des choses. Ainsi, ce pourrait être un message court pour un enseignement secret, ou simplement un outil de mémoire.

Phan Hoang (2012)


Che cos’è un 'KHAU-QUYET'?

"Khau-Quyet", un termine vietnamita, è un breve messaggio - una frase o due - difficile capire il suo vero significato per chi è al di fuori del contesto. Funge da chiave per scoprire un segreto o per capire il senso profondo di un insegnamento trasmesso dal maestro ai discepoli.

Il  Khau-Quyet è anche  una tecnica di memoria: una frase condensata in poche parole che aiutano a ricordare cose. Quindi, potrebbe essere un breve messaggio per un insegnamento segreto, o semplicemente uno strumento di memoria.

Phan Hoang (2012)













  POST  443                                 11 April 2020)




Watering the Peach Tree






The aim and benefit of this exercise: keeping balance, feeling young and happy. Rejuvenating tonic ; longevity.

This exercise TUOI-DAO also implies five related aspects as in the previous exercise :

1.       Physical form- The movement, at the beginning and during the inhaling phase, is flowing smoothly and deeply then becomes more and more firm and strong at the exhaling phase.       
Physiology- Stimulating good function of Lungs, Small and Large Intestines.   

2.      Breathing method- Tho-Phoi-Bung: Inhale with wide thoracic movements using dynamic respiratory muscles activities; exhale with dan-dien (belly) pressure.

3.      Inner-energy and vital points- In term of inner-energy (noi-khi), the mission of  movement TUOI-DAO is to ensure the balance of PHE-DAN. This means keeping balance between the high energy flowing in the upper part of our body and the deep energy sleeping in the lower part of our body.

4.      Vital points to keep in mind are:          
-Meridian of the lungs: P5 (xich-trach),  P7 (liet-khuyet), and P11 (thieu-thuong)     
-Meridian of the large intestine: GI1 (thuong-duong), GI11 (khuc-tri), and GI20 (nghinh-huong)       
-Meridian of the small intestine: IG1 (thieu-trach), IG4 (uyen-cot), and IG8 (thieu-hai)

5.      Mind and Thought- As you are doing this movement TUOI-DAO/ WATERING THE PEACH TREE imagine you are walking on a quiet path bordered by many flowering peach trees and plum trees. Under an immense blue sky these pink flowers, the most beautiful flowers preferred by spiritual people, make you feel happy, optimistic and free. You are free to grow the way you like, to dream the most beautiful dream of your life. When doing this movements with your arms and your body you seem watering the peach tree, the tree of long life. You feel happy, and you can help others to be happy too. You can be a teacher because you can show to others something wonderful you have experienced yourself with this movement of Watering the Peach Tree.        

6.      Symbolism- In Vietnam peach tree (dao) doesn’t grow everywhere and when people can find it they take great care of the trees to obtain beautiful flowers and delicious  fruits. The peach symbolizes Longevity and the flower Spring and Love.

7.      Behavior- “Watering the peach tree” teaches us that for obtaining good things in life we have to work for it, with patience and perseverance. But working with pleasure. You can change your mind and your world just by smiling each time you see flowers of peach tree, or any flower.



The dream of reaching immortality was almost universal, especially in Asia. In ancient time, supposedly there were two ways to realize this: the chemical process, we now label it as alchemy, and the natural process which was what we nowadays might call as a magical “green” way.

 The famous emperor Qin Shi-Huang/ Tan Thuy-hoang (3rd Century BCE), the one who had ordered the construction of the Great Wall at the cost of millions souls, followed a chemical process by administering every day to himself a very small dose of arsenic. After a few years, as a result, he really reached immortality. Not on earth but under the earth, in an immense tomb kept secret for twenty two centuries!

Regarding the magical green way, people believed in some place elsewhere it existed a specific one thousand year old peach tree which took one hundred years to produce a unique peach called Dao-bat-tu/The immortal peach.

Who eats it will become immortal. And legend has it. Once, many centuries ago, a man came to a royal court offering a pretended Immortal Peach to the king.

While the king has not yet looked at the precious fruit, one of his ministers had swiftly grasped the Immortal Peach and rapidly ate it. The king became furious and ordered to execute the minister.

Going in the knees he implores the king to have mercy:

Majesty! I am innocent. This man pretended his peach was an immortal peach; I just ate it and now my life is in trouble. So yours too, Majesty, had you eaten this peach. We should punish those who preach untrue believes to our society and reward those who dare risking their life for discovering the truth. The good king listened, nodded and laughed nicely.





         Various pictures





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