Tuesday, October 31, 2023

POST 35 for November 2023 - Method Tham Cong DEEP TRAINING - Ten Exercises - Master Charles Phan Hoang



POST 35 for November 2023 

- Method Tham Cong DEEP TRAINING 

- Ten Exercises from Master Charles Phan Hoang 




POST 35 for November 2023



Thâm-Công / Deep Training Method



In this POST 35 you will find ten Exercises selected for the purpose of

DEEP TRAINING. More exercises will follow.

We hope you will realize the important role of DEEP TRAINING in the practice of our Arts and this Post will be saved in the bank of your references.










THÂM CÔNG / Deep Training


 Definition. Thâm (deep) Công (training) is our method of training using slow motion when executing Thâm Công Exercises in Vietchidao. It is important to understand that in the practice of Thâm Công slow motion is only a supporting technique for all the deep work behind the movement; the speed could vary according to the state of the mind, the breathing, and the mobilization of energy and force. Thâm Công is a hard training method although the slow motions seem to be part of soft technique.


-Purpose. To enrich the range of Noi-Cong training methods in the field of body-and-mind-exercises, and also in martial arts.


-Aims. The method of Thâm Công aims to strengthen physical constitution, develop deep-physical-force and Noi-Cong inner-power, and to improve mental endurance.


-Benefits. Many benefits, especially: maintaining good health and good shape; increasing Noi-Cong power, strengthening endurance, stamina, and self-confidence; building power to endure disease, fatigue, privation.    


-Supporting Technique. Most of these Exercises were extracted from numerous quyen (form, kata) created by Grand Master Phan Hoang, some were created as independent lessons.


-Breathing. Profound breathing. The breathing process for this practice has three phases: Deep Breathing-in, short Apnea , and  Breathing-out.  In general the method of Tho-Phoi/ Lung-breathing is in use, and it could be combined with Tho-Bung/Belly-breathing, or another method from the Five Breathing Methods.


-Process. Execute the designated exercise with slow motion, following the method of breathing indicated above. The aim is strengthening the whole body while moving slowly, then the physical force slowly concentrate on the ‘focus’ of each exercise (e.g the Hara); using the gong (contraction) during the time of Apnea. The mind must be quiet, detached. It is very important to understand that the slow motion is NOT the purpose nor the aim of Thâm-Công method, therefore the real work must be on the mobilization of physical force to improve power, and the training of the mind for persistence and patience.

Each exercise is to be performed independently and repeated relentlessly (the regular training: 9 times)




 g.m phan hoang




   END POST 35

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