Monday, April 1, 2024

POST 40 April2024 -Exercise- Techniques NHAT LUYEN DAM -HAPPY EASTER



POST 40 April2024 


- Techniques NHAT LUYEN DAM 





  POST 40             April  2024







I wish you a Happy Easter if you celebrate it.

In this Post 40 you will find a text on KHAU QUYET, an Exercise, and a Training NHAT LUYEN DAM.

We let you discover by yourself the deep meaning and benefits from these learning since no one can do the practice for you.

NOTE: Please try to discover that the Hitting Method NHAT LUYEN DAM is really a challenge, not only physically but also mentally. Many black-belts have failed this test of doing it 108 rounds! Many of them also failed to perform it correctly in four directions! And some others ask the question: “Why should we learn NHAT LUYEN DAM when we already know how to hit hard?” I hope you will find out that NHAT LUYEN DAM trains us to put various hitting techniques into a System, and the power of a system lies upon the immense capacity for the development of other applications to each technique. A good technician is needed for operating a machine, but an excellent engineer is needed to create the machine.

Phan Hoang, March 31, 2024


         NHAT LUYEN DAM 



Literally “Khau-Quyet” is a short message – one phrase or two – difficult to understand the real meaning for someone from outside. It carries a key to discover a secret or to understand the deep meaning of a teaching transmitted from master to disciples. Also Khau-Quyet is read as a memory technique to remember things.

So, Khau-Quyet is a short message for a secret  teaching, or simply a memory tool, depending on the circumstance.

In my teaching of “Warm-up Techniques” I made the use of two different Vietnamese terms for one English word “Warm-up”.

WARM-UP (Echauffement) =

a)      TAP NONG NGUOI             (Voviet – Vietvodao)

b)      KHOI-DONG                       (Viettaichi, Vietchikiem, Vietkhiphap etc.)

-Why? – This is not a problem of translation; this is a matter of transmitting the spirit (the Mind) of what is taught.

Remember: Voviet-Vietvodao = Art of fighting
while the other remaining 7 disciplines are: Art of Body-Mind Education, except Chi Vat that is in between the two groups.

This is my Khau-Quyet for “Khoi-Dong” Warm-up training:


TAM THEO THAN, KHONG DONG”- Phan Hoang 28-03-2012

Translation? We are waiting for different version from Translation Committee.

Phan Hoang

Letteralmente "Khau-Quyet" è un breve messaggio - una frase o due  il cui vero significato è difficile da capire  per persone esterne al contesto. Contiene una chiave per scoprire un segreto o per comprendere il significato profondo di un insegnamento trasmesso dal maestro ai discepoli. Inoltre il  Khau-Quyet viene letto come una tecnica di memorizzazione per ricordare qualcosa. Quindi, il Khau-Quyet è un breve messaggio per un insegnamento segreto, o semplicemente uno strumento di memorizzazione, a seconda delle circostanze.
Nel mio insegnamento di "Tecniche di Riscaldamento" ho fatto l'uso di due diversi termini vietnamiti per una stessa parola inglese "Warm-up".
WARM-UP (riscaldamento) =
a) TAP NONG Nguoi (Voviet - Vietvodao)
b) KHOI-DONG (Viettaichi, Vietchikiem, Vietkhiphap ecc)
-Perché? - Questo non è un problema di traduzione, questa è una questione di trasmissione  dello spirito (la mente) di ciò che viene insegnato.
Ricorda: Voviet-Vietvodao = Arte di  Combattere
mentre le altre rimanenti 7 discipline sono: Arti di Educazione per Corpo-Mente, eccetto il  Chi Vat che si trova in mezzo ai due gruppi.
Questo è il mio Khau-Quyet per l’allenamento del"Khoi-Dong" Warm-up :

"Dong Khoi: OLTRE Chuyen DONG
TAM DI THEO, Khong DONG "- Phan Hoang 28-03-2012 

Traduzione? Siamo in attesa delle varie versioni dal comitato di traduzione.


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