Sunday, April 30, 2023

POST 29 for MAY 2023 - HA-CHI Solstice- Symmetry- master phan hoang


POST 29 for MAY 2023 

- HACHI Solstice

- Symmetry


        POST May 2023



  POST 29 for May 2023

- HA-CHI , Summer Solstice






In this Post, May 2023, you will find the form HA-CHI, Summer Solstice; and some indications on SYMMETRY.

In Vietchidao we often have to deal with three types of symmetry: mirror symmetry, point symmetry, and rotational symmetry. All the three symmetry techniques are important to the study of martial arts but mirror symmetry is the most important for studying our quyen (forms) while the two others are rather for advanced fighting strategy.

We let you enjoy discovering and practicing the four different versions of the same quyen HA-CHI. What a road of wonder!

Be Strong, Be Persistent.

Master Phan Hoang

Canada, May 1st, 2023





                                  UNDERSTANDING SYMMETRY 

                                    THE FOUR VERSIONS OF HA-CHI Solstice

         END POST May 2023 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Post 28 for April 2023 The form EQUINOX exercises- PHAN HOANG


Post 28 for April 2023 The form EQUINOX exercises.

          WELCOME TO 

          POST 28  for April 2023






POST 28  FOR APRIL 2023 






Twice a year, at the time of equinox, Mother Nature reminds us that balance is a basic law that governs the world. It is a natural order, so no dictator, no tyrant can influence its course no matter how powerful they could be and their power after a period of rise will certainly fall.

Practicing the quyen “Equinox” brings us to a realm of Harmony and Happiness. In this form five symbols -The Sky, The Earth, The Moon, The Mountain, and The Water- guide our movements from the left hand side to the right hand side in a perfect harmony.

Beauty and High Spirit are in our motto.

(Please see pictures in the attached poster)

Phan Hoang

September 2022








STARTING . Salute. (announcing) “EQUINOX”



SKY. Chỉ Thiên, POINTING TO THE SKY  (Left hand side)



EARTH. Hồi Địa , RETURNING ON EARTH   (Right hand side)



MOON .  Đi Vòng, DESCRIBING HALF A CIRCLE (from Right to Left)


MOUNTAIN. Đẩy Ra,  PUSHING (Left hand side)



WATER. Xuống Tay. Both hands down (see picture)



 CHANGING for right hand side



Updated 31 March 2023

File Reference: EQUINOX 2023 NAMES AND DESCRIPTION 2023-0331



POST 292 20MAR2017


To me Spring Equinox is not equal to Autumn Equinox, it’s a signal to spring out to a growing direction of happiness. G.M




Hello everyone,

Today, 20 March is the first day of spring: Equinox!

Yesterday I went to see the immensity of the Nature at the last day of winter and did my exercise Ky-Lo in the island of Petrie. The change of temperature caused the frozen water to move and sometimes this made loud explosion to shake great blocks of ice which, like most tyrants, seem ignoring the claim of Spring revolution.  Amazing!

In this Post 292, I would like to share with you some images of the last days of Winter. Winter in Canada is surely hard but very exciting for those who like to challenge it. It is fun to skate on the frozen canal, ride skidoo in the countryside, drill holes in the ice on the river to fish, and build giant snowman in the driveway of your house!















Spontaneous Letter










 We know that equinox marks the first day of the season (spring, autumn), and autumnal equinox could fall on 22, 23, or 24 September every year.

 For this year (2014) the first day of Autumn is Tuesday 23 September , but with the difference of time, for us living in America, equinox is on Monday 22 September J .


Of course, this period of change of season has some negative influence on our body and mind.  Some people could experience more depression or anxiety while the rest of us could feel a bit more nervous or impatient than usual.


What could we do?

-Avoid taking so fast any decision (even, for example, willing to delete right away this Letter to have more space on your email account J)


-Exercise: You certainly know or have heard about the form/quyen HA-THU (Autumn Training) in VIETKHIPHAP. I recommend you the Movement 01 – KHOI PHE VAN (exercise for the Lungs), and Movement 08 NOI-CONG TAM-TANG (Inner Energy training for the Three Organs).

How to do it? Preferably early morning to start a good day, and in the evening to close the day before taking a hot shower and going to bed (In the evening, do not go back to your computer after doing your exercises).


If you don’t know how to do these exercises: You might want to send your question to Collaborative Learning Group, someone will be glad to tell you.

Warm thought and best wishes.


















Message from G.M PHAN HOANG

22 September 2019






Dear all,

We are now at the beginning of Autumn, the beautiful season of Dream and Action! I wish you HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


Get many new friends at your Club and make your training the most exciting. Train hard and enjoy everything…


Thinking of you, I am attaching hereafter 4 STRENGTHENING EXERCISES :

-Hands & Feet Strengthening

-Body Strengthening

-Arms & Legs Strengthening

-Belly-Back Strengthening


You can find more details on our web:





Charles Phan Hoang 




     END POST 28 

POST 50 for Feb.2025 CARDS BatKhi, BatLinh, KhaiMon, LoiHo

  Welcome to POST 50 POST 50 for Feb.2025  CARDS BatKhi, BatLinh, KhaiMon, LoiHo         Along My Path      ...