Tuesday, April 30, 2024

POST 41 May2024 XUAN KICH 18 Strategies - master Phan Hoang




POST 41 May2024 

XUAN KICH 18 Strategies 





Post 49   May 2024                                              Phan Hoang

  XUAN KICH: The 18 Strategies






     XUAN KICH is a significant martial arts form (quyen or kata) developed by Master Phan Hoang at the age of 87 in 2023. This exceptional work comprises five layers. The first layer includes 18 movements that are executed in a straight line from East to West. The second layer combines these movements with a new concept of training and fighting, which challenges the traditional approach to martial arts. The third layer adds 18 martial art strategies to these movements. The fourth layer, which is almost invisible, contains a theory on Peace and War based on the interpretation of the name of each strategy. Finally, the fifth layer involves oral teaching and learning between the teacher and the student, covering topics derived from the Xuan Kich, an integral mind and body practice.





          end of Post 41

Monday, April 1, 2024

POST 40 April2024 -Exercise- Techniques NHAT LUYEN DAM -HAPPY EASTER



POST 40 April2024 


- Techniques NHAT LUYEN DAM 








  POST 40             April  2024







I wish you a Happy Easter if you celebrate it.

In this Post 40 you will find a text on KHAU QUYET, an Exercise, and a Training NHAT LUYEN DAM.

We let you discover by yourself the deep meaning and benefits from these learning since no one can do the practice for you.

NOTE: Please try to discover that the Hitting Method NHAT LUYEN DAM is really a challenge, not only physically but also mentally. Many black-belts have failed this test of doing it 108 rounds! Many of them also failed to perform it correctly in four directions! And some others ask the question: “Why should we learn NHAT LUYEN DAM when we already know how to hit hard?” I hope you will find out that NHAT LUYEN DAM trains us to put various hitting techniques into a System, and the power of a system lies upon the immense capacity for the development of other applications to each technique. A good technician is needed for operating a machine, but an excellent engineer is needed to create the machine.

Phan Hoang, March 31, 2024


         NHAT LUYEN DAM 



Literally “Khau-Quyet” is a short message – one phrase or two – difficult to understand the real meaning for someone from outside. It carries a key to discover a secret or to understand the deep meaning of a teaching transmitted from master to disciples. Also Khau-Quyet is read as a memory technique to remember things.

So, Khau-Quyet is a short message for a secret  teaching, or simply a memory tool, depending on the circumstance.

In my teaching of “Warm-up Techniques” I made the use of two different Vietnamese terms for one English word “Warm-up”.

WARM-UP (Echauffement) =

a)      TAP NONG NGUOI             (Voviet – Vietvodao)

b)      KHOI-DONG                       (Viettaichi, Vietchikiem, Vietkhiphap etc.)

-Why? – This is not a problem of translation; this is a matter of transmitting the spirit (the Mind) of what is taught.

Remember: Voviet-Vietvodao = Art of fighting
while the other remaining 7 disciplines are: Art of Body-Mind Education, except Chi Vat that is in between the two groups.

This is my Khau-Quyet for “Khoi-Dong” Warm-up training:


TAM THEO THAN, KHONG DONG”- Phan Hoang 28-03-2012

Translation? We are waiting for different version from Translation Committee.

Phan Hoang

Letteralmente "Khau-Quyet" è un breve messaggio - una frase o due  il cui vero significato è difficile da capire  per persone esterne al contesto. Contiene una chiave per scoprire un segreto o per comprendere il significato profondo di un insegnamento trasmesso dal maestro ai discepoli. Inoltre il  Khau-Quyet viene letto come una tecnica di memorizzazione per ricordare qualcosa. Quindi, il Khau-Quyet è un breve messaggio per un insegnamento segreto, o semplicemente uno strumento di memorizzazione, a seconda delle circostanze.
Nel mio insegnamento di "Tecniche di Riscaldamento" ho fatto l'uso di due diversi termini vietnamiti per una stessa parola inglese "Warm-up".
WARM-UP (riscaldamento) =
a) TAP NONG Nguoi (Voviet - Vietvodao)
b) KHOI-DONG (Viettaichi, Vietchikiem, Vietkhiphap ecc)
-Perché? - Questo non è un problema di traduzione, questa è una questione di trasmissione  dello spirito (la mente) di ciò che viene insegnato.
Ricorda: Voviet-Vietvodao = Arte di  Combattere
mentre le altre rimanenti 7 discipline sono: Arti di Educazione per Corpo-Mente, eccetto il  Chi Vat che si trova in mezzo ai due gruppi.
Questo è il mio Khau-Quyet per l’allenamento del"Khoi-Dong" Warm-up :

"Dong Khoi: OLTRE Chuyen DONG
TAM DI THEO, Khong DONG "- Phan Hoang 28-03-2012 

Traduzione? Siamo in attesa delle varie versioni dal comitato di traduzione.


POST 50 for Feb.2025 CARDS BatKhi, BatLinh, KhaiMon, LoiHo

  Welcome to POST 50 POST 50 for Feb.2025  CARDS BatKhi, BatLinh, KhaiMon, LoiHo         Along My Path      ...