Friday, October 28, 2022

POST 23 Nov.2022 - BAI DI XA – Go far

 23 POST Nov.2022  

BAI DI XA – Go far: the traveler sequence  

                             NOVEMBER 2022


BAI DI XA – Go far   

This form is taught by GM Phan Hoang for the first time in November 1997 in Paris, and later in 2013 in Cestas (F) and Rome (I).

Mission: Traveler's daily training

Message: Being able, being capable to go further  




 Why is the BAI-DI-XA the traveler sequence? 

 The Truong is a traveler. But how to train while traveling, having only a short time available and space?

BAI DI XA is a form for daily training while traveling, it will allow you to resist better to the fatigue of travel.

It meets four conditions:

    1.      the four NOs of the traveler:

a.      you don't have time; you don't have space; you don't have a place to train; you don't have anyone to practice with.

b.     Consequently, BAI-DI-XA can be practiced in a short time, in a very small space, anywhere and by yourself.

    2.     a few minutes of practice every day

a.      even if you only have five minutes a day, do not say, "I only have five minutes, it is not it's worth training"; but use those five minutes to practice BAI-DI-XA.

    3.     rhythm

a.      each movement of the form can be repeated according to the pattern: 3, 6, 9, 18.

    4.     The breathing

a.      tho bung, tho phoi, tho chuyen luan.



The movements of BAI-DI-XA

 Bai-Di-Xa is an important and powerful form (quyen) common to all the 8 disciplines of Viet-Chi, especially for Viettaichi, Vietkhiphap, and Vietchidao programs.

Bai-Di-Xa consists of 8 consecutive  movements (exercises), after an opening gesture called: Nguong-Thien (Looking up to the Sky).

The 8 movements can be performed as independent exercises to building up physical and inner-energy, strengthening endurance, preventing  low-back-pain.

Bai-Di-Xa sends us a message: If we want to go far on the way of life, being healthy and happy, we must take great care of our body-and-mind by doing exercises every day.


0 Ngưỡg Thiên               Salute

1 Ha-Co                          The lower part

2 Tich-Thien                   Accumulating good energy

3 Tu-Thang                     Self-Discipline

4 Xoay-Cau                    Turning the globe

5 Kim-Than                    Golden body

6 Noi-Van                       Breathing inner massage

7 Kich-Dong                  Stimulating

8 Noi-Quan                    Profound observation



Phrases and Vietnamese Poem

1.HA-CO. Working inner energy and training the Hara 

2.TICH-THIEN. Cultivating wellness and opening up the lungs 

3.TU-THANG. Breathing deeply to strengthen the body and overcome difficulties


4.XOAY-CAU. Flowing in harmony with the universe 

5.KIM-THAN. Golden body, making our body strong

6.NOI-VAN. Moving the inner energy (stimulate the gallbladder)

7.KICH-DONG. Lung breathing and stomach training to generate power 

8.NOI-QUAN. Time for meditation: being quiet and opening the mind


The many aspects of BAI-DI-XA


As a sequence embedded in the fundamentals of the VIETCHI SYSTEM, BAI-DI-XA can be viewed from different aspects and practiced differently depending on the discipline we are referring to.

So if we want to practice the form according to a soft way, it means that we are within the VIET TAI CHI discipline.
If we want to increase our strength potential it means that we will practice BAI-DI-XA according to the VIET CHI LUC way, if instead we want to dynamize, benefit from the accumulated energy we will work according to the VIET KHI PHAP way.
A practitioner of VO VIET can find in the BAI-DI-XA a suggestion on how to enhance the impact force of his techniques with the application of GONG.

We can continue by analyzing the association of movements with the 5 Elements, the 8 Trigrams, as well as Meridians and Organs, thus obtaining indications on Symbology and Strategy, Spirit and Behavior. If we then add particular attention to some energy points we can make sure that the movements have some influence on some of the most common ailments.
And finally, sounds can also be applied, for a practice more aimed at an energetic-meditative vibration.



The soft way:  BAI-DI-XA  and VIET-TAI-CHI


The slow practice of a quyen develops both the physical and the energetic and mental levels.

However, if one does not have notions of NOI-CONG, has not delved into concepts related to Breathing Methods, and is not currently interested in aspects of Martial Art, then we can approach the movements of BAI-DI-XA in a simpler and more natural way, as in a game.

Today is a beautiful day, I'm going for a walk in a park, in the middle of nature, flowers ... (Nguoc Thien) ... I'm here, in this beautiful country, there's no problem, maybe I don't know the local language but we'll still understand each other ... (Ha Co) ... Oh that's nice, there's a nice blue ball, and we can also change direction, it depends on the situations, this is a game, like we're children. Let's let go, things that are too serious, too complicated cause stomachache, insomnia, headache ... (Tich Thien) ... and then we have the waves, the ocean ... (We Van) ... When we see the ocean we see the energy, so we bring the ocean inside of us, we do as if we are the ocean with waves. And at the end we don't think about problems, difficulties, we are doing something exciting, we visit a new city, we meet new people, we do new things and it's exciting, we think this ... (Kich Dong) ... and then we go back to being ourselves, the standing, breathing ... (Noi Quan).

The BAI DI XA is composed of 8 independent movements, we do not have to do them all, we can choose a few and perform them the way we like. Otherwise if we are within a class, we can teach and yes practice the whole form.



The Internal Way:  STRENGTH vs POWER


Speaking of the Internal Way we are talking about Energy. Speaking of Energy, however, we need to distinguish between two concepts: STRENGTH  and POWER.

Force (Watt in physics) represents potential, energy reserve, stored Energy

Power (Joules/calories/lumens in physics) is the ability to put Force into motion. How one is able to use it. Having the tools to make use of it

Let's take an example. We have a 20 Watt bulb, this is its Force. But if this bulb is incandescent it will develop at most 200 lumens, instead if we take a 20 Watt led bulb it can develop even 2000 lumens with the same Force used. So from our point of view the led bulb is much more powerful than the incandescent bulb.



Accumulate Strength:  BAI-DI-XA  and CHI-LUC


CHI-LUC is the VIETCHI SYSTEM discipline that provides us with a program to increase our Strength, to build and increase our Energy potential through NOI-CONG exercises.

We can choose some movements, such as TU-THANG or KIM-THAN or even KICK-DONG, and repeat them many times (108 or more) strongly and dynamically, as well as having constancy in practice.

To work well, several aspects need to be considered.

·      LEGS-maintain a low position

·      ARMS- work well with both arms, including forearms, wrists and fingers.

·      HARA – use specific techniques to work with the DAN-DIEN, for example the HA-CO movement

·      BODY- work with the whole body, make it strong as steel, for example with the KIM-THAN movement

·      LEG MOVEMENTS - if leg movements are involved in the exercise, they must be strong and stable.  




Expressing the Energy:  BAI-DI-XA  and VIET-KHI-PHAP 


To perform the movements of BAI-DI-XA according to the discipline of VIET-KHI-PHAP means above all to place our attention on breathing. Breathing should use KHI, or compressed air obtained by using the thrust of the active muscles in the exhalation phase, in combination with a controlled blocking of the glottis at the moment of air exit.

The best results are achieved through a in-depth study of Breathing Methods. These enable us to put into motion, to energize the energy potential accumulated through the practice of CHI-LUC.

Performing the movements of BAI-DI-XA in a strong (Chi-Luc) and powerful (Viet-Khi-Phap) manner is among the techniques of NOI-CONG. These enable the development of GONG, contraction techniques, performed with intention, powerful and effective.



Strengthening the impact force:  BAI-DI-XA  and VO-VIET 


As we have said, we call NOI-CONG, the Contraction (GONG) that we apply at the moment we strike while performing a technique in martial arts.

So we don't just use physical force, but we apply a different way of striking that still uses physical force as support. Basically we use physical force, to which we apply contraction according to NOI-CONG to enhance impact.

If we want to train according to this principle, we can, for example, perform the TICH-THIEN movement by focusing on these aspects:

·      Contracting the fingers, hand forearm and shoulders, also taking care to contract only the body parts involved and keeping the other parts relaxed.

·      Force breathing by correctly applying the Breathing Methods.

·      Stability and concentration of force also on the advancing foot and leg.

·      Apply contraction (GONG) at the moment of fist impact.

·      And finally relax






Starting from the following diagram that relates the movements of BAI-DI-XA to BAT-QUAI, according to the sequence of execution, it is then possible to create the Table of Correspondences between the movements and their symbology.

Following the directions in the chart, one can practice the movements, trying, from time to time, to deepen the study of breathing, the organs involved, the strategy suggested by the symbols, and finally the association with the spirit, which suggests valuable pointers on behavior.

The suggestions described in the table, serve to help those who wish to study this form in depth. Each person, can approach the study according to his or her own nature, from the aspect that is most congenial to him or her, and then broaden the gaze to further aspects in order to enter more and more into the spirit of the sequence. 









1 Ha-Co


---  ---
---  ---
---  ---

Belly breathing




Hara, Abdomen



The Turtle Way

La Voie de la Tortue

Thần Quy Kiến-Tạo



Trì-Nhẫn Thành Công

2 Tich-Thien


---  ---
---  ---

Lungs breathing







Benevolent Monkey

Le Singe Bienveillant

Lão Hầu Độ Nhân



Đại-Bi Quảng-Độ

3 Tu-Thang



Belly breathing




Kidneys,Urinary bladder

Reins, Vessie

Than, Bang-quang

Dragon Power

Puissance du Dragon

Thiên Long Thần Lực

Being True &Confident

Etre Vrai et Confiant

Thành-Tín Đại-Đạo

4 Xoay-Cau


---  ---


Lungs breathing




Spleen, Pericardium

Rate, Envelope du cœur

Ty, Tam-bao

Strategy of the Crane

Stratégie de la Grue

Bạch Hạc Lập Kế

Beauty in all things

Beauté dans tout

Thiện-Mỹ Chân-Toàn

5 Kim-Than


---  ---

Belly breathing




Liver, Gall bladder

Foie, Vésicule biliaire

Can, Dom


Unicorn Rightness

Droiture de la Licorne

Cường Lân Trực Chỉ



Đại-Nghĩa Chân-Thực

6 Noi-Van


---  ---
---  ---


Respiration ondulatoire

Tho-Chuyển-Luân *


Large & Small intestines


Đại-trường, Tiểu-trường

Sacred  Snake

Serpent Sacré

Thần-Xà Bảo-Ngọc

Deep Within

Profondeur d ‘esprit

Thâm-Xâu Trường Lực

7 Kich-Dong


---  ---
---  ---

Lungs breathing






Vi (Da-day)

Moving Tiger

Tigre en action

Lão Hổ Xuất Động



Dũng-Mãnh Lược-Thao

8 Noi-Quan


---  ---


Belly breathing






Tam (Tim)

Vision of Phoenix

Vision du Phénix

Thanh Phụng Trí Cao



Viễn-Kiến Tuệ-Giác



 By Master Charles Phan Hoang

  With Master Tue-Chu Edio Catoni




1-VIET-CHI    -Eight powerful disciplines   (English) 

2-TINH-MAT   -Energie  Interne Cachée              (French)    

3-SINH-LO    -La voie pour la grandeur de l’amitie’   (French)      

4-SƯ- LỘ, KỲ MÔN   -An Exceptional Way For Martial Art Teachers  

                                  (English and Italian)              

5-HA THU  -Autumn  (English, French, Italian)         

6-TRONG DONG   - Winter Training  (English, French, Italian)

7-TIEP XUAN  - Power of SPRING  (English, French, Italian)         

8- KỲ LO QUYỀN   -Training in a Fabulous Way  (English, French, Italian)

9- THAN-XA   -The Sacred Snake  (English, French, Italian)           

10-THIEN LONG   - The Celestial  Dragon (English, French, Italian)

11-TAM PHAP   -The Great Way (English, French, Italian)

12-NGOC DINH   -The Jade Mountain   (English, French, Italian)

13-VAN LY   -Ten Thousand Miles (English, French, Italian)

14- FIFTY  YEARS ON THE WAY    (May 2022)






Available Books written by Grand Master  Charles Phan Hoang

For information:


                           END  No 23 POST NOVEMBER 2022

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